Hi all
Sorry the posts havent been as regular as I would have liked recently. Just a quick one here though.
Have added a pic of William - little monkey as he is. He is speaking more now. New words include, bye bye, Granma, Grandad, ' elp elp' ! ( help !!!) when stuck down the middle of the chairs ! lol
Hes a real character. Dan and Will have become such good friends too. Still have the odd 'tiff' which mainly consists of pushing Will out the way so Will screams !
Dan is fine. I had an audio clip of him talking about snails but audioblog wont upload for some reason so I will endeavour to get him recorded again. We are looking around some schools for him next week as we have to apply from June onwards for his Sept 2007 intake date. Scary to think he'll be off to school next year ! :(
He's fine though and is so funny. His latest is -
'Actually take a deep breath......and let it out' -
where did that come from lol !!!
Grant and I are looking forward to a relatively relaxing month of June. We are visiting the Inlaws in Scotland for the 1st week of June, then off for 1 week hols down to Perranporth in Cornwall at the end of June. Much needed time off to chill out - although Im not sure for me the Inlaws will provide much of the chilling !
Im off work next week . Just going to relax and spend some quality time with the boys so hopefully I can capture some great moments for here.
Hoping to go and watch The Da Vinci Code on Sat night. I know it recieved mixed reviews at the Cannes Film Festival but having read the book and enjoyed it, Im going to watch it regardless, so will let you know what we thought.
I have also found my Second Life as Adora Bayliss, with thanks and help from my bro John, AKA Micah Simon. Look forward to delving deeper and exploring more soon.
So thats it for now -
Will post soon - promise !!!